Diamond wedding rings


Proposed photography and video from Studio Bandiera for weddings and events in Italy.

Every wedding is different. The protagonists, number of guests, locations, desires and needs for such an important day change. After many years of experience, we know that every client couple aims to plan the wedding according to their preferences.

The studio's proposals related to photography and video are designed to fulfill each client's wishes because precisely, every wedding is unique and different.

If every wedding is different, so is the list of vendors who will collaborate for the perfect outcome of the event, and, among them, the photography and video studio (which will allow for the preservation of a creative record of all that was organized and experienced during a day so carefully planned).

So we thought we would list the packages with details but without stating prices, because we are convinced that the true value of our work is important to those who appreciate the style of our work. We know that sticking to a budget can be stringent, but we are also convinced that a quotation, in the case of photographs and video, can take on different values than those who contact us.

Studio Bandiera has been in existence for more than 30 years and works with dedication and commitment so that the people who entrust him with their memories always have only extraordinary and unrepeatable results, because using a photographer who is not up to the standard of what you are organizing does not allow for replication or a chance to make up for it.

If you appreciate our work we are sure you will contact us to get all the information in detail. We look forward to meeting you!

Studio Bandiera logo




Studio - Blue Collection includes 1 professional photographer Studio Bandiera who will tell the story of your wedding through true and spontaneous photographs, treated and processed with care because they were born as a testimony of an extraordinary event. All images will be delivered to you at the highest quality to allow printing in any size.

> Planning and organizing photographs for the event.
> 1 Professional Photographer Studio Bandiera.
> Photographic coverage of the wedding and reception with the party.
> Editing and post-production of the images.
> Creation of 1 reserved area with private access with the highest resolution images.


Studio - Red Collection includes 2 professional Studio Bandiera photographers for creativity and completeness throughout the event. Editing and careful processing of images will give light to photographs that will fill your heart.

Through your cloud area you can relive the memories by browsing through the pictures anytime and from anywhere. An exciting photo slideshow with music will tell the story of the whole day with great creativity. Red Collection is the most popular proposal for those who choose Studio Bandiera for their wedding photographs.

> 2 Fotografi professionisti Studio Bandiera.
> 1 Slideshow (video con immagini e musica) in risoluzione 4K.



Studio - White Collection include 1 fotografo professionista Studio Bandiera che racconterà la vostra cerimonia religiosa o civile aggiungendoci alcuni ritratti tra la celebrazione e il ricevimento.

White Collection è studiato per accontentare chi desidera avere una documentazione puntuale dei momenti centrali del matrimonio.

Tramite la vostra area cloud potrete rivivere i ricordi sfogliando le immagini in qualunque momento e da ogni luogo, mentre l’album a corredo pronto da sfogliare rappresenterà il miglior ricordo possibile.

> Planning and organization of photographs for the event.
> 1 Professional photographer Studio Bandiera.
> Photographic coverage of the wedding and reception.
> Editing and post-production of images.
> Creation of 1 private area with private access with maximum resolution images.
> 1 30-page photo album with custom layout.


Studio - Grey Collection includes 1 professional photographer Studio Bandiera who will tell the entire story of the wedding day. White Collection is designed to please those who are in want to have creative documentation in both high quality files and 1 album to be treasured.

Through your cloud area you can relive memories by browsing through images anytime and from anywhere.

> Copertura fotografica completa del matrimonio e del ricevimento con la festa.
> 1 Album fotografico 40 pagine con impaginazione personalizzata.


Studio - Black Collection includes 2 professional Studio Bandiera photographers for creativity and completeness throughout the event. Editing and careful processing of images will give light to photographs that will fill your heart.

Through your cloud area, you can relive the memories by browsing through the pictures anytime and from anywhere. An exciting photo slideshow with music will tell the story of the whole day with great creativity while 1 beautiful album will captivate anyone who wants to browse through it.

> 2 Fotografi professionisti Studio Bandiera.
> 1 Slideshow (video con immagini e musica) in risoluzione 4K.
> 1 Album fotografico 50 pagine con impaginazione personalizzata.

Options available: book or traditional photo albums, albums for parents and relatives, photo booth service in various configurations, immediate prints at the reception in various formats, Polaroid service during the reception.

Studio Bandiera logo



Life Collection is the solution with 1 professional cameraman dedicated to filming all the most important moments of your day, later edited with skill and sensitivity to create an extraordinary memory: your video!

Life Collection is the must-have film in the collection of family memories.

> Video planning and organization for the event.
> 1 Professional cameraman Studio Bandiera.
> Video coverage of the wedding and reception.
> 1 Video editing.
> 1 12-14' film / or / 1 4-5' short film.
> 1 Private Web Video Area for viewing and downloading all content.
> 1 Custom USB Pen Drive with all content.


Double Life Collection is the video solution most chosen by Studio Clients.
It provides 2 professional cameramen who with skill and sensitivity film your event to return it to you full of precious moments that will move you with every viewing.

This will be the most precious footage in your film library and will tell the whole world that matters to you how exciting it was to get married! We will also give you the original footage, so you can archive every memory with ambient audio and no cuts.

> 2 Cameraman professionisti Studio Bandiera.
> Copertura video del matrimonio e del ricevimento con tutta la festa.
> Il Video Originale con audio ambientale.


Cinema Collection is the video solution for large events and includes the best of our wedding and memorable event video production.
It provides for 3 professional cameramen engaged in filming the wedding simultaneously to ensure different camera points at the same moments.

The double edit includes both a memorable clip lasting a few minutes and an extended version film to relive all the emotions of such a unique and extraordinary day. We will also deliver you the original footage so that you can archive every memory with ambient audio and no cuts.

> 3 Cameraman professionisti Studio Bandiera.
> Riprese video con drone professionale.
> 1 Film di 12-14' + 1 Short Film di 4-5'.

  • All movies are made in high definition or 4K. Minutes shown are approximate and subject to change.

  • The original video is a compilation of all filmed clips from the rooms during the event.


Choose payment for your photos and videos for up to 24 months with no incidental costs and no interest .

Contact us for all info.

Example on total € 3,000 (€ 155 x 24 months) TAN 0% - APR 0% - Maximum amount that can be financed € 5,000

Wedding Photography and Video Packages Studio Bandiera